Danforth Project – Laneway Suite Part 2: Preliminary Design
Danforth Project – Laneway Suite Part 2: Preliminary Design Overview: Project Phases and Timelines Welcome back to part 2 of the Danforth laneway suite blog series! As you may have heard from our Meetup with Lanescape, there are long lead times to build laneway suites and to conduct construction in general. They have a great…Read More→
Is the real estate market is going to crash at the end of 2021 (and does it actually matter)?
Ming and Matt answer the ever-popular question “Do you think that the real estate market is going to crash at the end of 2021?” ahead of our Real Estate Investing Ask Me Anything event on Monday, August 30. Have your own burning question? RSVP for free to our IN-PERSON Real Estate Investing AMA with…Read More→
What should you do after you have one or two rental properties?
Chris and Matt of Volition answer the ever-popular “What should I do after I have one or two rental properties?” question ahead of our Ask Me Anything event on Wednesday, August 11. Have your own burning question? RSVP for free to our IN-PERSON Real Estate Investing AMA with the Volition Team!
Danforth Project: Pre-Reno Walkthrough
Welcome to Volition’s new blog series on construction projects! I’m Florence (but everybody calls me Flo), the Strategic Initiatives Manager at Volition. I started attending Volition meetups in 2016, and the education and community here enabled me to grow my portfolio from a one-bedroom condo in 2013 to eight doors including legal triplexes in Trinity-Bellwoods…Read More→